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D.C. Attorney General May Sue To Dissolve Nonprofit Fiscal Sponsor

D.C. Attorney General May Sue To Dissolve Nonprofit Fiscal Sponsor

D.C. Attorney General May Sue To Dissolve Nonprofit Fiscal Sponsor

Amendment to City’s Anti-SLAPP law prevents defendants from using law for motion to dismiss
The Attorney General for the District of Columbia may proceed with a suit to dissolve a nonprofit fiscal sponsor that it claims provided more than $4 million in grants, constituting more than 99% of its total grantmaking, to a related for-profit corporation, the District’s Court of Appeals has ruled. The sponsor and the for-profit, who had partnered together to produce documentary films about various historical and political figures, had moved to dismiss the case on the basis of the Anti-Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (“anti-SLAPP”) Act. A trial court had dismissed the motion but while the case was pending on appeal, the Council for the District passed “emergency”...

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