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Accountant on the Board?

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Accountant on the Board?

May our independent accountant serve as an uncompensated member of the Board of our nonprofit?

Your accountant may serve as a member of your Board, whether or not compensated.  But if the accountant does so, neither the accountant nor the accountant’s firm would continue to be “independent” under the ethical standards of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and would therefore be unable to provide an independent audit for the organization.  That might be reason for the accountant to decline the offer, or, if your books are a mess, to accept. 

Monday, September 12, 2011


If I'm not mistaken and as Don suggested, the independence rules would prohibit any partner or professional employee of the accounting firm from serving as a director, officer, trustee, or employee of the organization. 

More importantly, if compensation is involved and there is any formal inquiry by the organization into compensation of one of those individuals for a management type position at any point during the year or during an engagement, the employee is required to report it to the firm and the firm is required to withdrawal from the engagement. 

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