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New Board member wants access to financials

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New Board member wants access to financials

A new member of our Board, who is a bookkeeper, wants to have an electronic copy of our financial system so that she can go through and check everything out. I feel very uncomfortable giving her a copy of all our information. Am I just being paranoid? We have nothing to hide.

I don’t know whether you are being paranoid (only your doctor knows for sure), but if she is on the board of directors she has a right to review the financial information.  I think I would talk to her about what she wants and how she can be accommodated, with the understanding that the detailed data is not public information and should be treated confidentially.  If she has questions she should ask you or the chief financial person if it is someone else.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Financial system? Reports, even very detailed lists of all expenses and income, which could likely be downloaded to excel for her review, are one thing, but "system" implies the financial software, which is likely covered by licensing agreements which limit sharing. As the board treasurer of a small non-profit, I don't expect the software, but just the reports. And if I have questions about how things are handled, I go to the office and we walk through it.

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