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Improper Selection of Directors Voids Payments for Pastor’s Wife

Improper Selection of Directors Voids Payments for Pastor’s Wife

Improper Selection of Directors Voids Payments for Pastor’s Wife

Bylaws of church were inconsistent with official doctrine and contract could not be validly approved
The bylaws of the Refuge Temple Church of God in Christ, a South Carolina nonprofit corporation founded by Pastor Elder Edward Jenkins in 1997, provide that the pastor can fill vacancies on the board with the advice and consent of the other directors. The initial directors named in the articles of incorporation were Jenkins, Connie Bowman and Gary James, Sr. When James left the board, Jenkins appointed Daniel Webster Ward, Jr., as his successor. In 2002, the board unanimously entered into an “Employment and Retirement Agreement” with Jenkins, which included a provision to pay his widow a monthly sum equal to his salary and housing allowance “for the remainder of her life, even if she leaves...

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